Projects Completed

Implementation of Agriculture Component in 7 Districts of MWDR

Implementation of Agriculture Component in 7 Districts of MWDR

The project is based on the theory of change "Ifvulnerable women, men, girls and boys have increasedcapacities and are able to act within an equitable ande\inclusive enabling environment then individuals andtheir communities will be more resilient to shocks...



Annukulan Project is one of the global projects of DFID onBuilding resilient to adapt climate extremes and disasters isimplementing in 6 district of Nepal. It aimed to Increase theannual income for 100,000 households (30000 direct HH,70000 Value chain HH) (benefiting...

Governance and Livelihoods (GOAL)

Governance and Livelihoods (GOAL)

GOAL project is designed to contribute the MDG-1 Eradicateextreme poverty and hunger with aiming by improving thelivelihoods of the vulnerable communities by increasing theirincomes ( by 20%) through micro-enterprise and entrepreneurshipdevelopment initiatives and...

Green Growth Capacity Development Programme

Green Growth Capacity Development Programme

Along with Center for Development and Training (CIDT),University of Wolverhamption, UK, Rupantaran hadimplemented Green capacity development training inNepal for government planners, policy makers andstakeholders.The scope of the work had following parts: Carrying out...

Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA)

Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA)

The project primarily focuses on communities to developinterventions which improve the ability of individuals and groups toadapt to climate change.The overall objective of the project is to strengthen institutions andmechanisms to facilitate effective governance for...