Posted On May 25, 2020

Written by admin

Annukulan Project is one of the global projects of DFID on
Building resilient to adapt climate extremes and disasters is
implementing in 6 district of Nepal. It aimed to Increase the
annual income for 100,000 households (30000 direct HH,
70000 Value chain HH) (benefiting over 500,000 people) by
£140. The project promote the integration of DRR and
Climate Change Adaptation measures to addressing
adverse impact of the climate change especially flood and
Anukulan have different element related to income, food
security, access to services related to livelihood security,
access to sufficient water, access to climate-adaptive
technologies, and Health
Project adopts different approaches- Harmonisation of
LDRMP and LAPA, Smallholder Commercial Pockets;
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) ; Conservation
agriculture (CA); Micro Irrigation Technologies (MITs);
Multiple Use Water Systems (MUS); Renewable
Energy(Biogas) and Essential Oil. which are very relevant
to home garden components

Written by admin

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