Implementation of Agriculture Component in 7 Districts of MWDR

Posted On May 25, 2020

Written by admin

The project is based on the theory of change “If
vulnerable women, men, girls and boys have increased
capacities and are able to act within an equitable and
e\inclusive enabling environment then individuals and
their communities will be more resilient to shocks and
stresses that negatively affect their food security and
The overall objective of the project are Individuals,
households and communities mitigate risk of socio-
ecological stresses and shocks that reduce local food
security and 2 strengthen and diversified livelihoods for
food insurances populations including disadvantaged
groups improved availability of and access to a nutrition
status The key project interventions are
 Agriculture- Vegetable farming, goat raising and
staple crops
 Water management : Micro irrigation technologies,
 Access to nutrition through home garden
 Market management of agricultural crops and
 Alternative energy promotion and support
 Disaster risks reductions and climate change

Written by admin

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