Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation (ICCA)

Posted On May 25, 2020

Written by admin

The project primarily focuses on communities to develop
interventions which improve the ability of individuals and groups to
adapt to climate change.
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen institutions and
mechanisms to facilitate effective governance for climate change
adaptation, resource mobilization and mainstreaming development
planning linking forestry and agricultural development initiatives and
enhance communities capacities to respond to the adverse impacts
of climate change and provide opportunities to diversify and improve
livelihood and resilience of poor and vulnerable through sustainable
income generation, skills and enterprise development; and Identify
and facilitate suitable adaptation interventions, innovations and
The project aims at directly benefitting 20,000 HHs (over 100,000
individuals), of which 10,000 HHs will be involved in smallholder
enterprises generating an average incremental income of US $ 100
per annum.  It is expected to involve at least 50% women and 50%
disadvantaged caste/ethnic groups among the beneficiaries
The project is following multi-stakeholder approach, promoting good
governance in FUG level, inclusive enterprise promotion and active
& inclusive targeting of poor & climate vulnerable households.
This project has taken Local Adaptation Plans for Action as first
point of activity planning and delivery. So, it has prepared about 52
LAPAs in the project locations in 5 years period of time.

Written by admin

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