Governance and Livelihoods (GOAL)

Posted On May 25, 2020

Written by admin

GOAL project is designed to contribute the MDG-1 Eradicate
extreme poverty and hunger with aiming by improving the
livelihoods of the vulnerable communities by increasing their
incomes ( by 20%) through micro-enterprise and entrepreneurship
development initiatives and also contributing in MDG 7- Ensure
Environmental Sustainability through enhancing the resiliency of
the vulnerable communities through environmental planning and
management systems. The goal of GOAL project is enhance
resiliency of vulnerable communities through improved livelihood,
strengthened leadership and sustainable environmental
management in Pyuthan, and Rolpa districts of Nepal. It has 3
outcomes and components in achieving the goal of project
OUTCOME 1 – Increased income of vulnerable user groups
through agro based micro-enterprise and entrepreneurship
development initiatives. It includes enterprise education, different
demonstration of agriculture, fund for enterprise promotions,
changing subsistence farming in commercial farming, farmer
organizations and its linkages to DADO
OUTCOME 2 – Strengthening the capacity and competency of civil
societies through leadership and management skills (Good
governance). It contributes in strengthening planning and
implementing process with considering the good governance
OUTCOME 3 – Enhanced resiliency through environmental
planning and management systems. It includes formulation of
resilient planning in harmonization of LAPA and LDRMP at VDC
level, capacity building and awareness raising through
cooperatives and schools on climate change adaptation, DRR,
climate smart agriculture. Different agriculture and water efficient
technologies are demonstrating.

Written by admin

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